The story of the may's

The May Family

Lee, Robin…Ryann, Reagan and Riley (The Mayettes). 1 man, 4 ladies...Please pray for Pastor Lee!


The May Family story begins on the campus of Clark Atlanta University in the Fall of 1993. Robin and Lee entered the campus of Clark Atlanta University (CAU) as 17 and 18 year olds excited about what life had to offer. They connected early on in their Freshman year and have not looked back since. Married since 2002, they have 3 beautiful girls, Ryann, Reagan and Riley! Ryann is the family's future lawyer and swim champ, Reagan says she is on track to be a pediatrician and an Olympian gymnast and Riley, well, the family is just trying to regain control because at 3 she is definitely in charge! The May family has made up their mind as a family that they will work for the glory of God and for the purpose of His people. Proverbs 31.8-9 serves as the mission for the May family. It tells us to “Open your mouth for the speechless, in the cause of all who are appointed to die. Open your mouth, judge righteously, And plead the cause of the poor and needy.”

Lee's story

Lee came to the Atlanta area as a 17 year old teenager. After having lived in 7 different cities Lee knows that God has called him to serve this community. His life has been an amazing story of God’s grace. From CAU (Business major) to Emory University (to obtain a Masters degree in Theology) to launching a business of his own to being in politics for over 10 years, life for Lee has been all about service.


Lee is the former owner of an 8 screen movie theater. At 29 Lee was the youngest movie theater owner in the nation and only one of three movie theaters owned by an African American in the nation. In 2006, Lee entered the world of politics by running for the DeKalb County Commission in Georgia and in 2013 Lee was appointed to be the Chief Executive Officer for DeKalb County. In both positions, Lee was and still remains the youngest person in either role in the history of the County.

Lee is the son of a retired Pastor and has been entrenched in ministry almost his entire life.  While a member of one of the largest church's in the country, he was ordained as a minister and eventually an Elder (again, the youngest Elder ordained at that time). While he has pursued many different areas of passion, Lee knew deep down that there was a tug, a pull, a draw to full-time ministry.  In 2017, Pastor Lee answered that call and with his wife Robin (and a small yet powerful team), Transforming Faith Church was launched. 

robin's story

Robin hails from Dallas Texas. After majoring in Mathematics at CAU, Robin quickly knew that a career in Math was not in her deck of cards. She began working in full-time ministry for one of the largest ministries in the nation at the time and although she felt this was service to God, she sensed there was something more that she was called to do. She soon felt the call to get her Masters degree in Professional Counseling, which she did and is a Licensed Professional Counselor. Robin eventually obtained her certification as a life coach. Robin has committed her life to EMPOWERING women and EQUIPPING couples. She is truly walking in her purpose and is helping to Transform countless marriages and relationships.


Robin is the founder of I Believe In Marriage ( a community dedicated to advancing the belief and support of marriage. She is also the creator of Friends with Vision ( another community that seeks to help all its followers live their best lives. To find out all that Robin is in to, check her website out at